Global Coverage

Whether you need to replace a network card in London, or fix a printer in Glasgow or a tape library installed in some other remote location in the world, we will do it following your precise directions according to your schedule.
Our engineers are reliable, efficient and professionally equipped to handle all IT emergencies. They are backed by a team of highly skilled support engineers, who stay in contact with them throughout the task. Our operations team stays in contact with the client in real time, informing them about progress and providing all necessary documentation.

Round the Clock Support

We know it is essential that everything should be up and running in the least possible time to minimize down time. In order to achieve speed and agility in our service delivery we have evolved our structure to support fast and efficient processes. That means that we get things done in the minimum time possible because of our optimized internal workflow. Our customers have learnt to expect real time communication and the shortest possible delivery times.

We acknowledge the receipt of every request for a quote within 15 minutes and get back with a response within the hour. Our internal team structure allows a very smooth information flow, meaning that any request for a resource will be handled with the highest level of efficiency. We have optimized every internal and external process to ensure that we can handle client requests 24/7 and provide information in real time.

We have developed state-of-the art management solutions that not only make our operations highly efficient but makes them transparent too.

Customer Centric

We value our customer and conduct our business with the utmost professionalism. We have dedicated help desk to support our clients and smooth execution of the projects.